Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Video To Save The World

So anybody who knows me knows that I got completely sucked into the whole Invisible Children hype, hence the banner on the right, but it never really occurred to me how completely it could change someones view of life.
So I finally got a copy of the video from Anna last week after the showing in the auditorium and watched it again in its entirety. BTW, for those getting tire of focusing entirely on IC, watch the video again and you will understand. Anyway, they give you two copies of the video so that you can share it with those who don't know, that's exactly what I did.
I loaned it to Hilton, my friend from work, yesterday and he watched it after I left. Today when I saw him at work, both he and his girlfriend were pretty pissed at me.
They weren't mad that I made them watch it, they were mad that I hadn't showed them sooner. They actually apologised for any complaining they do about their lives, it is hard to complain when you compare your life to that of the IC. (Don't worry, I'm not going to stop complaining, then you wouldn't have anything to read.)
Anyway, after watching it once, Hilton wants to have a showing in the Smyrna opera house to help raise money. I have been toying with the idea for a while but I need a Smyrna contact our age to get people to actually show up.
He also wants to go to Displace Me, but since I'm already off, he has to cover the shift.
And before anyone asks, he's constantly broke so he can't donate any money. He still owes me sixty bucks.
So yeah, that video can change the world. If you want to borrow it, let me know, I'd be more than happy to share.