Wednesday, July 4, 2007

66 Hotdogs. Oh. My. God.

Happy Independence Day! Which means barbecues and the Nathan's hotdog eating contest. This contest, as many know, is usually won by that Takeru Kobayashi guy (Japenese) who is ridiculously skinny. Well, Mr. Kobayashi, no luck this time. Joey Chestnut beat him with 66 hotdogs in 12 minutes, compared to Kobayashi's 63. Ha. Take that, industrialized Asian nation. America has trumped you once again.

I mean, sure, it is an eating contest. But that's what us Yanks do best: eat large amounts of fattening food very quickly. Krispy Kreme doughnuts, jalepeƱo peppers, mayonnaise, butter, spaghetti, salad - which isn't fattening, but still - the list goes on. Despite being a sport that rewards gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins, I do have a great amount of respect for eating contest participants, also known as "gurgitators", according to Wikipedia. Because, well, what goes in must come out.