Thursday, April 5, 2007


Wow! This is so exciting! It's a blog! Our blog! Neato!
Welcome to Yelling About Life, from Lessley. I'm one of the contributors, and Ross is the other one. We plan to post as random of thoughts (that's all of them) as possible, so enjoy (or not, screw you). Leave a comment if you want (or not, screw you).
Hopefully we won't run out of things to say or think, that wouldn't be good. Let's hope neither of us goes comatose.
So speaking of comas, do you think that people have valid thoughts when in one of those? I mean, I have a hard time believing that humans are capable of being empty for that long of a period of time. But you've never heard anyone talk about coma dreams. "Yeah, so I was coma-ing the other day, and I had the weirdest dream. I was naked and everyone was looking at me..."
No. That never happens.
Maybe this question is well-known in the medical community, but I'm not a member, so I don't know. If I were in a comatose state, I myself would prefer to be able to dream. But then, when you woke up, wouldn't you think you were still in a dream, since you would have such a long time to conjure up some bizarre dream world to be in? My dream world would be like Super Mario, I think.
I love Super Mario, and I miss the days of NES. Blowing in those silly cartridges.
But anyway, welcome.

The Smiths - "Girlfriend In A Coma"