Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thumb Wars To Save The World

Since this is my first post I should probably say hi too, so Hi.
Now that that's out of the way, I have the solution to all wars ever. For this explanation I'm going to use a hypothetical situation so try not to get confuzzled.
So say Canada got tired of people in the U.S. making fun of them for saying "aboot" so they were like "Stop making fun of us for saying 'aboot' or we will declare war on you're ass, we don't even see whats so funny aboot it." so America was like "Yo, F you, no one threatens us. Freedom of Speech bitches." Of course Canada is kind of a pussy so it hesitates for like two weeks, then declares war.
Both countries get their top people together and meet at Niagara Falls to battle it out.
Unlike most wars however, neither side brings an army, there are no air strikes, not a single gun. Just the best thumb wrestler from each nation. They duel for 72 rounds and who ever has the majority of the wins, wins the war.

For those who would wonder were i got the number 72, a few of you might have picked up on the fact that its the number of virgins that Islamic martyrs believe they will get in heaven. I thought it was appropriate considering the current political climate.

Back to the point...No death, no destruction, and no least popular president in history, just a clear U.S. victory. And yes the U.S. would win because well we have the best in everything, especially ridiculous obscure sports. It could be the end of wars as we know it.
And imagine what we could do with all the money we would save from not having to support an army.
If anyone has Bush's email address, send him the link to this site so he can end the war in Iraq. From what I can see, he doesn't have any better ideas.