Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The world will end eventually.

I have proof of this! Visual proof! I took a photograph that I am overwhelmingly proud of. 'Tis suburban cookie-cutter America, with none other than the grand view of a factory in the background, polluting the air which we breathe. Surely there are small children frolicking in their yards, pets chewing toys, or a young couple enjoying a recently purchased home. A lush green field stretches across the land. But despite the beauty, this precious home of the human race is being destroyed. I bet Al Gore would love to get his hands on this picture!


Okay, probably not. Al Gore, despite his good intentions, really pisses me off. I mean, sure, it was noble of him to make Inconvenient Truth, and to spread the word of science to the ignorant deniers of truth. But for Christ's sake, we all know that a little part of Al Gore wanted to boost his political status at least a little bit. And this wouldn't bother me so much except for the fact that suddenly, Al Gore has become the spokesperson, or the mascot if you will, for global warming. Many of my Republican friends (bless their little hearts!) say things like, "It's El NiƱo, it's the natural way of things, and besides, Al Gore is stupid." Um, since when did politicians act as representations of ideas, of facts? Yes, Al Gore is stupid. I know. But the idea that global warming is destroying planet Earth and may put us in a neverending cycle of doom is SCIENCE. Perhaps my wording is a bit exaggerated. But anyway, politicians have nothing to do with it. I don't say things like, "God doesn't exist, that's just how it is, and besides, George Bush is stupid." No. I too would agree that George Bush is stupid, but I believe in Christianity because it seems (mostly) valid to me. You could also replace "George Bush" with "Pat Robertson". Perhaps this is a bad example, because it has nothing to do with factual information, but you get the idea. Bottom line: Make judgments on the actual issues, not based on the other people who support them.